Discovery of submarine pyramids off Yonaguni in Japan
Prof. Masaaki Kimura
Summary: Submarine research using SCUBA and sonic surveys revealed detailed features of a submarine structure (Iseki Point) looking like a stepped pyramid off Yonaguni in Okinawa, Japan. It stands under approximately 25 meters of ocean, tentatively named Yonaguni Submarine Pyramid or Yonaguni Pyramid. Yonaguni Pyramid is the biggest one among fabricated, underwater structures off Yonaguni whose appearance and size are similar to the biggest ancient castles such as Shuri and Nakagusuku Castles in Okinawa Island, where they are called ‘Gusuku’. Essentially, it has a cliff face like the side of a stepped pyramid, and dimensions of about 290 m (length) by 140 m (width) by 26m (height). Flat terraces, straight walls and its surface structure of walls with scars of tool marks driven in by a wedge on the structure are identified to be artificially fabricated. Surrounding the structure, 9 roads associated with drainage canals were recognized and a retaining wall along the road that is composed of huge rock fragments, and entrance to the ruins are further evidence. They show that the pyramidal structure has not been manufactured by nature. On the other hand, the five-layer structure was man-made. The formation age is estimated to be about 10,000 years ago based on 14C and 10Be age determinations. Ancestors of the people who made the structure may have migrated from the continent or a southern paleo-land by means of the land bridge during the last glacial age.