Articles of the Year 2016
Our database includes abstracts of the following articles:
- Steven Strong, Evan Strong
Ancient original genes and bones in South America, North America, Siberia, Mongolia, Japan, Malaysia, India, ...
- Steven Strong, Evan Strong
Ancient shaped rocks that levitate, ring and converge
- Prof. Emilio Spedicato
Senmut ceiling and planet metis, a new astronomic scenario for interpreting ancient theogonies
- Prof. Emilio Spedicato
Typhon explosion as a super Tunguska event, reinterpeting Job, Melchizedek, Abraham
- Francois de Sarre
On giants and men
- Stuart Harris BS, MS, MBA
Decipherment of a garden stone fom Vienna
- Stuart Harris BS, MS, MBA
Austrian white stone with pecked inscription in Old European: 'The drying barn it crushed'
- Steven Strong, Evan Strong
Half a horse with no name: Out-of-place relic in Australia
- Dr. Christine Pellech
The visual representations by the Australian Aborigines
- Dr. Christine Pellech
The Discovery of America - The Ddiffusion of Culture in New Sight Vol.1
- Don Smithana
The Meandering Mind of a Geo-Linguist
- Gunnar Thompson Ph.D.
Newfoundland's "Circle Island Group": Gateway to Legendary Fortunes in Early North Atlantic Commerce and the Northwest Passage