Cadmus slays the Serpent (Part 1) - Discovery of Brazil by Cadmus

Enrico Mattievich

In "Journey to the Mythological Inferno" and previous works published in this website, following Hesiod's Theogony: --at the foot of the high mountain Atlas, at the western ends of the famous Okeanos --I identified the remains of the resounding Palace of Hades and Persephone with the archaeological remains of Chavin de Huantar labyrinthine palace, located at the foot of the highest peaks of the Peruvian Andes. In this article I try to explain how I found that the famous myth of Herakles slays - the hundred - headed Draco which guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides, narrated as a stellar myth by Hyginus, is related with the stellar myth of "Cadmus slays the serpent" preserved by Ovid, and both myths I interpreted as geographical allegories of the heroic conquest of the Amazon River. The garden of Hesperides, with its golden fruits, is related to the garden of Coricancha, preserved and worshiped at Cuzco from ancient times, with plants and fruits made of gold. To confirm this thesis would require archaeologists to conduct comprehensive works on stratigraphic dating at Sacsahuaman cyclopean fortress, which, instead of only having 100 years of antiquity before the Spanish Conquistadores, as assigned by the official story. It's more than 3200 years old. The antiquity of this fortress will be discussed in a second part of this paper.